Sunday, January 8, 2012


Not sure when or why it happened but I feel at's a hard feeling to describe and I can't quite put my finger on it but I feel more settled than I have in a long long while.  I know I've let go of a few things and made myself a goal of smiling and laughing more.................maybe that's it!  Whatever it is I hope to keep it as I am liking the feeling!!

Was in the basement yesterday again dreaming of having a proper wall to separate the laundry area from the tv area (as opposed to 2 pieces of paneling leaning against my folding table) and thinking of cool colours to paint the walls.........tangerine struck me with white shelving.  Let's see if I get my wall up first, lol.

Finally have cable in the basement!  Yep we bought another adapter and now have cable on the tv in the basement.  I sat and folded clothes while watching HGTV the other afternoon, made it more tolerable to do for sure.

Hockey game last night and the boys won. My guy scored his first goal of the season (he plays defense) from just inside the blue line, has come close a few times the last couple of games but this time it went in.  The look on his face was priceless...........hoping he can pop another one in the next game.  We have 3 games next weekend and the off for a couple weeks until playdowns begin.

There are my ramblings from the last couple days, nothing exciting just daily life :)

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