Thursday, March 17, 2016

Content, Positive and Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I think the first three words sum me up. I am so proud that my journey is continuing and I have stuck with it. It feels good to not feel negative or put upon every day, I was the only one who could change that I have made a conscious effort to do so.

Harlow has had a big impact on me in a positive way, she just loves, no questions. She has also got me off my backside, we are out walking twice a day at least 6 km per day.  Due to her people stop and chat and I am definitely being more social and I find I smile more.  Seriously, a dog is the best medicine! There are days when I miss the coming and going when I please, sleeping in and the like but I wouldn't trade her for the world!
ready for playing in the puddles with Harlow
The weather has been hit and miss this week.  Rained ALL day Monday, Tuesday was gorgeous, Wednesday was nice but really windy and today it's cool but sunny at least. Not the March break weather I was hoping for but it's better than freezing and snow for sure.

Happy St. Patrick's Day from Harlow;

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