Saturday, March 10, 2012

So Much for me Being a Blogger

Well I guess I don't have to worry about being a blogger and having a large following who are waiting for my every word and posts, lol.  I suck at this and when I do remember, albeit 2 months later I never know what to write.  Don't want to be depressing or repetitive and I am not a funny person so what do I write?  The pressure, oh the pressure! 

So here goes, what has been going on the last 2 months;

February has come and gone.  It was nothing special and saw it's moments of dark days.  Big fights with ex over his lack of communication, disappointment to our son and of course the fact that he hasn't paid a dime for anything in a long time.  Yes, it got ugly and I am not proud of saying some of the things I said (and texted) but right or wrong I needed to get them out. Went through my usual February 'blues' with the world is against me and woe is me.  Needless to say glad to see the month end.

There was a bright side to Feb. though, my son brought home his first semester report and (proud mom alert) is sitting with an 83.5 average!  That's honour roll and in all academic classes.  Not sure where his brains came from but boy oh boy makes his mom proud! Going for all A's in second semester as well, wants to be at the Academic Banquet.  Second semester is a heavier subject matter with Math, English and Geography but with hockey almost over it works perfect as we are not rushing around like mad. 

Along comes March............
We have not had what one would call a winter this year.  No snow days, fog or ice days--not a bus cancellation at all.  The weather has been wacky to say the least, lots of rain and even spring like temperatures.  Of course not thinking winter has completely gone away, it could sneak up when we are getting comfy with the thoughts of spring and BAM! get us when we are not ready.

Had surgery the last day of February and have been sitting here knowing there are things I should be doing around the house but can't.  Frustrating to have the time off but not accomplishing anything while I am sitting here. *sigh*  I have read 2 books in the last couple of days and watched a lot of the judge shows every day.

Today is the first day of March Break and I am sad that we are not headed anywhere. Last year the boy and I went to Florida and had the time of our lives.  Lots of laughs, fun and the best thing for us.  Hopefully we can go next year, crossing fingers and wanting to buckle down to save to make our wish come true.

That's pretty much it. Hopefully I won't be absent for as long this time.

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