Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Oh Boy!

Ever have one of those days where you wish you could crawl back in bed and put the covers over your head?  Or that you could pack a suitcase and run away to an island and be alone?  How about reinventing yourself, starting a new life in every aspect?  Yep, I have had one of those days!  Seems like it has been one of those weeks and it is only Wednesday, today was the worse though.

Having a hard time with this staying positive thing, am so on edge.  Angry, verge of crying the whole ball of wax.  I need to fight it and look inward, be positive and grateful, not look at the negatives but the positives.  My grateful items are; I have a comfortable home to live in, a job that I enjoy and I have a fantastic kid. OK, so now for the positives (self); I have been very good at taking Dash the Wonder Dog out for walks, until this week I have been good at not being negative (some improvement there) and I have thought ahead and had dinner prepared (love my crockpot).  Whew, not as hard as I thought :)

Dash the Wonder Dog is doing really well.  He now rings the bell when he wants outside, we just had to make the cord the bell is one shorter and away he went.  Granted he does ring it to go outside and then just sniff around or eat ice..............he liked getting a treat to ring the bell so figured it out.  He is also only in his crate when we are not home and will go in there when we say 'bed' as he knows he will get a 'cookie' and be told how awesome he is.  So me who wasn't going to let the dog on the furniture is presently curled up on an afghan next to me on the couch.  He is also sleeping at the end of my bed, lol.  

Trying to take pictures of general everyday things and even include a picture of me........not into this selfie thing, hard to get used to.  So here are a few snapshots from last week.

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