Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Feeling It

First 'real' snow of the season came last week, I'm talking actual stick to the ground snow for a few days snow, not a little dusting. The chocolate wonder was in heaven with the white stuff on the ground and happily searched for her ball in the snow.  Now we are back up to normal temperature for this time of year, rain in the forecast and dreary November skies. Amazing the difference a little sunshine can make to your day.

The town is all lit up as the River Lights were officially opened last weekend. It's so pretty walking down to the park and seeing all the displays as you wander through, every year they add new ones as it grows.  Every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday the pavilion turns into a life-sized gingerbread house that is open from 5:30-8:30. Inside you will find entries from the annual Gingerbread House Contest, kids crafts, and hot chocolate. Our little town certainly lights up for the season and I never get tired of visiting the displays. It's especially pretty when there is snow on the ground. This coming Saturday will be the Santa Claus Parade which mom and I will, of course, attend as we do every year. My favourite part is all the marching bands and I am hoping the Essex-Kent Scottish Regiment is there with their pipe and drum band.

To totally switch topics, but in a way, they kind of go together, I am feeling the need for change.  Not quite sure what the change is going to look like or when but I am struggling with feeling stuck. Only I can 'unstuck' myself and that I am aware of, but I know it needs to be done. A day of just me, no boy or chocolate wonder and a big purge would feel so wonderful and a great way to clear all the cobwebs I feel are holding me back.  The flip side to that is a kick in the pants to make that happen as I know a day without those two would also very easily find me on the couch binging Netflix and/or on my computer. Motivation where are you?!  I just need to get started and accomplish one thing or room and I will be on my way. Maybe I should write it down, plan, do the details, have some fun with it, DO NOT sit down and say in '10 minutes I will start' because I know that will not happen, lol. 

My little snow baby enjoying the weather, she always gives me a reason to smile.

Until I post again ♥

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