Saturday, January 4, 2020

Happy New Year and One Little Word

Technically we are four days into the new year I know but today I felt like sitting down and doing a blog post. I have thought of many in my head but it's the sitting down and getting it down, I get distracted very easily, lol.

With the new year comes the buzz surrounding goals, resolutions and One Little Word. It all gets so overwhelming. I am great at setting myself up to fail by making large goals, no definition, just general sweeping "going to be a better me" without defining and/or writing down how I'm going to do it.  I am hoping to make my blog my accountability space and where I can celebrate what I have achieved.

All that being said I have chosen the word 'begin' (hope I do better then I did with 'complete' as I didn't complete any of it). My goal is to do a weekly wrap up so I can see where I am and what I still have to do.

My January goals:
Purge and organize the basement--this was completed technically before January started, December 30.
Eat one meatless meal per week.
Create and maintain a budget for the month, to write down each purchase in a notebook
Purge and organize the closets--yes, all of them
Read two books this month
At least one day a week take Harlow to the trails for a good run
Practice Mindfulness for 10 minutes daily
Take more photos with the DSLR
Cut down on junk food, make better food choices
Drink more water during the day (I am great in the evenings)
Post more on my blog, updates weekly.

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