Tuesday, December 13, 2011

December Daily 2011--on track

Kami of Ziggle Designs and Scrap Orchard started talking about a project called the December Daily and how she was going to get this done.  Intrigued I read about it and followed her link to Ali Edwards blog and read all about this project.  I was hooked and really wanted to try, a project 365 is just too much for me partly because I lose interest easily and also I know that there is no way I could come up with a picture a day that would be different.  December I can do!! 

I am on track have taken a picture every day, jotted down the story and have a couple of pages scrapped. I have chosen to do my book completely digital and so far  have printed the pages using my home printer.  I scored this cute red scrapbook at WalMart the other day (it actually is my day 10 photo).  Here are my photos up to now.........hopefully I will keep up to date on here as well.

Day 1--Red Velvet cupcakes from Costco as a special treat.
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7

Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
whew................all caught up!!

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