Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Lazy Sunday

Since I decided to stay up until 4 AM I of course slept half the day away.  Much of what I thought I would accomplish has not been done.  The upside is I did get most of the laundry done, the downside. . . . . that is all I got done, lol.  So much for this being the weekend of getting the Christmas decorations out and the tree up. I do enjoy putting the tree up at night, think it's the glow from the light in the room.  Snow would help but all we have (and have had) is rain.
We are off to a hockey game later on today, hopefully the boys will be able to play like they did last time they met this team.  It will be a tough game and our boys will have to play their best and like they can, a win tonight would even the season series 2-2, a good way to finish up with this team.  After hockey it is over to mom and dad's for some spaghetti and meatballs and then settle in for the night.

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