Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Deep Breath, Clear Mind and a Better Day

Advil Cold and Sinus got me through the day!  Had a busy and productive day at work, shared a few laughs with a couple of the boys I work with as we muddled through an assignment they needed help with. Managed to get back to my room in time to for the recycling group to collect my overflowing red box and back on the run I went.  Yep, a good day :)  Didn't feel rushed or stressed today and that felt nice not sure what the difference was but I'll take it.  Hoping tomorrow will be the same. 

We are off to an OHL game tomorrow night which should be a good time out just the two of us.  He was given the tickets by his hockey coach as acknowledgement of his hard work, doing as he was asked and beyond.

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