Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Four Years Ago...............

Something struck me this morning as I slowly opened my eyes and saw the gray sky......it's been 4 years.  Four years ago today my dying marriage officially ended with him moving out, I became a single parent and found out things that would change my opinion of that man forever. 

January was both rough and a relief as I look back.  I also look at where I was and where I am today and I am definitely better.  I sold the house in the fall and moved back to my hometown, renting a condo close to my parents. 

I get lonely and I do miss the years of our marriage when things were well and we were happy, I know those years existed but we became different people.  Too many obstacles in our way and when you lose trust you have nothing.  I miss the wonderful man he was and look at who he has become and I feel sad. I wonder if our son has the memories of us all together laughing and enjoying life...they did happen but they are getting foggy.

Maybe I am finally in mourning for the marriage that once was, maybe it has taken me this long to get here.  I have had so much anger built up about the last few years we were together and how he let me down when I needed him most.  Could it possibly be that I am finally content?  Have I let it go and am finding peace and perhaps forgiveness?  I think that is ultimately my goal, to find peace and forgive and then I can move on and be happy.

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