Monday, January 2, 2012

It's a new year!

Welcome 2012!!  Here's to a new year which means the opportunity to start over.  I have a few goals in mind for myself this year.  I am hoping that I have not bit off more than I can chew but there are definitely things I want to accomplish, learn and do this year.  Ready for my list?

Organization: I really want to get all the rooms in the condo reorganized.  I am a bit of a pack rat (not hoarder style by any means) so there are things I need to sort through and do the old 'keep, toss, sell' piles.  I still have boxes packed from when I moved out of the house and in to the condo.............means I don't need them doesn't it?

Decorate: I need to find my style and redo a few rooms here. Also hoping to redo my kitchen cupboards, they have a new product out that I can change them without the cost of refacing.............I presently have the harvest or medium oak and want a nice espresso/java colour to match my table.
Smile/Laugh: That is my big one and something I need to do more of, spend more time laughing and smiling rather than being morose and negative.  Let things I have no control over not bother me and find something positive.  This will of course make me a happier person. I need to forgive--both myself and others.

Live: I want to live rather than just exist...........not sure quite what I am going to do for this but it is something I really need to do.  I am 44 years old, the years have flown by lately and I really don't have anything to show for it.  Time to experience and learn new things!  This is really the biggy for me and will definitely be a work in progress.

Projects: I want to continue with my Year in Review: 2011 and start recording for 2012 in pictures.  I really want to put together an album for this year and make sure I have my camera with me at all times, record the little things.  Create a photobook from our trip to Florida in March as a keepsake instead of just pictures on the computer.

Stick With It: DON'T GIVE UP!  Yes that is a HUGE issue for me, I start something but don't finish it. 

So those are my goals so far for the new year.  I am also wanting to blog consistently and hope that if I do that then it will help me achieve my other goals.

Happy New Year and here's to a positive 2012!

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