Saturday, February 8, 2014

Choices and the Aftermath

I am between wallowing in self-pity, guilt and anger at making stupid decisions.  After much agonizing thought, tears and a long discussion with the Animal Behaviourist I made the decision to return Dash the Wonder Dog to the shelter.  I have gone through the whole emotional roller coaster and debated on if I was making the correct decision and who this decision was for. 

You see, he would not leave the cat alone.  Not in a mean or aggressive manner, it was playful but to the point of pinning my poor Meow-man to the ground and play nipping. Of course Meowy responded the only way he could which is to scratch and bite..........then it would start all over.  Meowy was to the point of staying in the basement, behind the tv or under the kitchen table, not fair to he who has been around for seven years.  It was extremely hard and I probably looked like an idiot as I fell apart while dropping him off :( 

The upside (if there was one) was they complimented me on the job I had done with him in the month we had him, his coat is full, soft and shiny, no more hip bones or ribs showing and he is house trained using a bell.  I was asked to consider fostering where I would socialize/train either dog or cat.  Something to look into but not in any hurry at the moment.

How do I know I made the right decision?  Am guessing that I have as my Meow-man is free to wander the house as he has in the past sleeping in his favourite spots.  He is already coming back around us no longer worried about being pounced on by an exuberant dog who just wants to play (or use him as a play toy). My wish with all my heart is that Dash the Wonder Dog finds a loving forever home very soon, he deserves it and is a real treasure.

Think I am going to not make any decisions for a few days as it seems what I think is a good idea is not necessarily so. 

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