Sunday, March 23, 2014

First Post for March. . . .I Suck!

Here I am writing my first post for the month of March.  One would think I have a lot to share, but alas I do not. 

Life has returned to normal since surrendering my little Dash (still sad about that, add guilt too) in that the Meow-monster has returned to normal living on the main floors of the house, sleeping in his spots and eating (has gained back the weight he lost), although the dog was good for him losing some of the extra he was packing. On a good note Dash has found a new forever home and I really hope they are able to give him a wonderful life. . . . still miss the little guy.

Hockey season has wrapped up, another year in the books.  The team did really well making it to the semi-finals for all Ontario--Go Stars!! Equipment will be used one more time then off to be cleaned and stored until fall.  Now we wait and get ready for baseball season.

We just finished our March Break and it was pretty quiet for us.  I wish we could have gone away, especially since we got another flipping snowstorm (I am so over snow now).  We had a nice gorgeous sunny day and then boom! temps dropped and we woke up to a boatload of snow. I promised the B~man we would update his bedroom during break and we did just that.  Fresh coats of paint, lime green and mid grey, new bed frame, comforter and he has a completely new look that is funky and he loves it (mom points). 

On the digi front I love the look of the sketchy/colour painted on pages and really wanted to do one.  Well I followed the tutorial, How to Create an Artistic Sketch that Ona had done over at the Captivated Visions blog and must say I am very proud of my results. So proud in fact that I did another page today.  There are so many layers and lots of brush work but I really love the results and can see me doing more pages like this.  This look works well for me as I don't take a lot of pictures any more (teen boy) so traditional scrapbook pages aren't something I do. I have grown fond of mixed media and art journaling and would love to learn graphic style as well.  I find these mediums so therapeutic and a great way to learn PS, I push myself to learn new things.

Here are my Artistic Sketch pages:
Both of these pages use digital products from Studio Captivated Visions. For complete credits, they are here in my gallery over at SBG.

Let's see if I can manage to write another post before the end of the month. . . . . . .

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