Saturday, April 5, 2014

April is Here!

April is here and hopefully that means winter is over, I like many people are ready for spring.  This winter was one of the worse we've had in 30 years.  While the snow was fun to see I was ready for it to go it away.  I do think if I had a little one it would have been a bit more fun as it would mean building snowmen but 16 year old boys don't want to be outside building snowmen with their moms (at least not mine).  We had a really yucky day yesterday, cold and rainy but today the sun is out and things are slowly starting to green up.  That's what I like to see, when Mother Nature starts to paint the landscape with her pretty colours.  Hopefully in a few weeks I will be able to tend to outside and get my deck in order preparing for the warm weather.

Speaking of outside I will be participating in my very first 5K.  The awesome part would be if I was actually running it, but I will be doing mostly walking with maybe a little bit of jogging.  As per usual I *thought* about training but that is as far as I went, lol.  I am a great thinker but not so great as a *doer* when it comes to some things.  If you want me to plan something give me a call, just get someone else to do it :D.  My reason for doing this?  Well my friend and co-worker Amy does run and said 'hey let's do the Cocoa Classic 5K' and I said 'sure, sounds fun' .....truth is I really wanted the touque, hoody, reusable mug and the idea of a free chocolate fondue at the end of the race really sounded good. It was so not about the actual running. Looking forward to a fun day tomorrow in all seriousness, maybe I will meet a cute medic when I fall down because I am so out of shape.

On the digi front:
I am really exploring using more brushes and blending.  Some days I can just throw it all on a page and be so proud of what I created, other days I struggle.  I am definitely a person who needs to be 'in the mood' to create.  I participated in the DigiDares for the first time in a long time and loved the way my page turned out.  Had a proud moment as my page was selected for the GSO blog AND it was selected as the winning page for that Dare.  A very proud moment for me to have my page selected and recognized.  So while I was excited about that I discovered another page I just posted was also selected for the GSO blog :-O.  These things don't typically happen to me so to say I am shocked, happy and proud are understatements.  While I do this for myself I would be lying if I didn't say I was thrilled to have my pages featured.

Speaking of pages, here are the two;
The one on the left titled 'London's Calling' uses products from Captivated Visions and the one on the right is titled 'Go Ahead Be. . . ' and uses product from ViVa Artistry.

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