“Happiness is your nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside.”
—Ramana Maharshi (1879-1950)
This quote speaks to me, it is where I am right now. I have chosen to be happy and no longer dwell on the past. It has taken me a long time to get here even though I have made the attempts many times before. On the plus side is I continued to try, chose not to give up and I believe I am finally there. I've stopped comparing and wishing but looked around me and became content with where I am and grateful for what life has given me.
We always want more and I am guilty of that same as many others but I think in that wanting more we forget to stop, look and appreciate what we have. Not just in material goods but the world around us as a whole, our little place in the world. I have started to look at what I have accomplished, not focusing on where I have failed. Not to discount the failures as we learn from those but to stop dwelling on them to the point where you stop doing things because you are scared to fail. This all makes sense in my head and is actually coming clearer.
It has taken me a long time to get here but I'm glad I have arrived and plan on continuing the journey to me. I think I was kind of forced into this revelation about myself and the need to find happy. The boy moving away to college left me with just me to care for and I realized I had been neglecting me all this time. When forced to deal with yourself you realize a lot of things and some of it is not pretty. I will never forget this title of a workbook that I used to use with elementary school students and I think it is a good title for all of us on the journey to self-discovery "The Me I'm Learning To Be"--it fits doesn't it?
Of course now on to my little bundle of chocolate, Miss Harlow. She continues to be a wonderful, crazy addition to my household. Graduation from her first puppy school course has taken place (even got a certificate), the last of her puppy shots have been given as has her rabies, plus flea and tick control started. Harlow weighed in at 33 lbs on our last visit and the vet referred to her as perfect <3. We continue to walk daily, most of them twice with our afternoon one the longest. She continues to bring so much to my life and I simply adore her. The breeder has redone their website and Harlow is featured on the front page as well as having her picture posted for the Guardian program, proud puppy mum here :)
As always I must end with posting a few pictures of my little gem.
The Graduate |
Just being her |
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